Friday, January 7, 2022


Winter birds in our neighborhood

My workroom waits for me. I am reminded that in Japan the week called o-souji between Christmas and New Year's is a big clean-up time for Japanese families. I'm late to get started because the holidays have filled my life with everything but art projects. Now I am eager to make a fresh start in the new year. My workroom needs a good clean-out. I prompt myself to pick one stack at a time.

First, I have a box of washi paper and old wrapping paper, tucked in the bookshelves beside my table that I can ignore most of the time. 

I pull out the box. I cut the paper into pieces and make designs for holiday cards for next year. I congratulate myself for getting so far ahead of schedule for the next December season. Now, all I need to do is remember where I put them twelve months from now.

I have a week before my watercolor class begins; but first, I am going to clean out my watercolor paint palette. I pry out each dried leftover paint color. I clean the wells and squeeze in a good amount of fresh paint. Next, I need to test my paintbrushes again. The last time I used them they seemed worn out. Since good brushes aren't cheap, I will test them again. 

Two different kinds of palettes: a holder of paint

To remind me how to mix colors and how to achieve the amount of paint to water that I want when I start a painting, I am going to paint a palette of January colors, the soft greys, browns, and greens that cover the ground and color the birds rooting around for seed. But first, I need to find space on my worktable to lay down my paper to paint my winter color palette. With these simple clean-ups and preparations, I have performed my own kind of o-souji in my workroom. I am ready for the new year.

and a piece of paper with swabs of colors mixed together

Two projects I finished at the end of 2021:  Two sketchbooks, which I will send to the Brooklyn Art Library to be added to their collection of sketchbooks. You can see my Covid Diary, 2020 to 2021 by clicking on the link to YouTube. The journal called Hope will be up next week.

COVID Diary 2020-2021

Link to YouTube:

HOPE Journal

Check out the Brooklyn Art Library's collection of sketchbooks:


  1. from Mary by email: You made me smile when I read about how you needed to find space on your worktable to paint your color palette.

  2. From Mona by email: I just love the drawing of your backyard birds in your Friday Postcards in the Air. Those are the exact birds I see every day in my garden, and they delight me.

  3. Yes, they give me a lift every day. Now, remember John Muir Law's drawings of birds?

  4. I love the o-souji concept. I love your sketchbook even more! Excellent work! I wanted to participate last year, but so many things got in the way. Maybe, next year.

    1. Chandra Lynn, thanks for commenting. o-souji in Tokyo was a BIG deal. The whole country seemed to stop and focus on clearing out and renewal. The COVID diary was a great way to look around me and see the effects on other people as well as myself.


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