Friday, July 29, 2022



Most movies are entertaining in the moment and then disappear from our thoughts, but others leave a lasting impression. The 2000 movie, Pay It Forward, made me think of ways I could pay it forward too. A local hospice organization has offered just such an opportunity. 

The choice of hospice is often a difficult one to make. I first experienced hospice services at the end of my father-in-law's life. He was in a hospital and was moved from active patient care to hospice rooms. He died shortly after. My mother-in-law also was placed in hospice at the skilled nursing facility where she lived. Again, the service provided the loving care that was needed at the end of her life.

When I read that one of our local hospice groups wanted artists to submit small works of art that could be displayed in a hospice patient's room, I jumped at the chance. Here was one way I could pay it forward. The artwork they requested needed to be as small as 4 inches by 4 inches and easily displayed.

The first time I brought artwork to them a few years ago, the hospice volunteers were so appreciative of my work that I vowed to continue to support them each year when they asked for more art. COVID intervened; but this year Hope Hospice is back collecting small art pieces again, with a more definitive set of guidelines for the work they will accept. Because many of their patients have some level of dementia, the artwork needs to be representational, not abstract. The Hope Hospice program gives artists a way to bring a little bit of brightness and joy to someone at the end of their life. I hope other hospice services have picked up on this program so that artists in different parts of the country can pay it forward too. 

In memory of two cousins, Todd Heimdahl and Shelley Grant, who passed away this year.

To read or submit artwork to Works of Hope, click here.


  1. from Letty by email: This is a beautiful idea and rewarding way to Pay It Forward. I love your little bird watercolor.

  2. From Mary by email: What a beautiful way to anonymously support such a good program. Thank you for sharing.

  3. From Jane on FB: This is one of my favorites. You sent me a postcard with this art on the front and I framed it. 💕 Hospice (angels on earth) were important for my Dad’s final days. I would love to donate this art piece of yours with the frame. Let me know how I can do that.

    1. Thanks, Jane, I'll send you the info about Works of Hope or you can click on the 'here' button above.

  4. From GR on FB: And thanks for my go to Friday entertainment!

  5. From EV on FB: That's a very special post. Introducing such a splendid idea. Hospices are so so precious taking a burden from family's shoulders. Knowing your loved ones will never be alone, and be surrounded by good vibes. My one and only experience astonished me with cheerfulness. Happy faces, bright colours and a feeling of peace. What else do you need..

    1. Thanks, EV. You are so right about hospice. It's a beautiful way to help someone in their final days.

  6. From KCC on FB: You are such an inspiration to me. I would’ve never thought of this act of service. I visit nursing homes with Santo. Dogs can be so healing. Possibly now I should share some art. Thank you dear friend.

    1. You have such a good heart. I knew you would find a way to Pay It Forward. Dogs can be such good, calming presences.

  7. From JEB on FB: ving person. Hospice was incredible when we had my mother at home - they helped with everything and guided us in what to expect. They are angels. Thank you for your support!

    1. Hospice people do such loving work. They come when they are needed most.

  8. From TW on FB: Thank you for sharing this! Isn’t it wonderful when your art is so appreciated. What a gift

    1. Hospice is the true gift! Whatever we can do to provide support.

  9. From KS on FB: What a lovely act of kindness, Gus. I’m sure your beautiful artwork is much appreciated

  10. From SE on FB: What a wonderful way to share your artistic talents! Your blog is a bright spot in my week!

    1. Thank you, SE, I'm so glad you continue to read my posts. That means a lot to me!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Ed, Thank you for continuing to read my blog. There's more to the connection of Mountain View. I moved there after college because my soon-to-be husband went to high school there. One of his jobs was picking apricots! We also lived in Tokyo in the 90s and cherish the time in a very different place.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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