Friday, May 3, 2019


photo by Bill Slavin

Spring flowers for Mother's Day, someone's birthday, May Day (do you remember leaving a sprig of flowers at someone's door as a kid?), or maybe just because it is Spring and there is a beautiful abundance of flowers.

photo by Bill Slavin

We walk and find flowers flourishing in every yard, in planter boxes on city streets, and in large parks where rhododendron, peony and azalea fill the shaded places. The scent of orange blossoms, jasmine, and gardenias lingers in the air. Why not hand some flowers to someone we love?

In France, on May Day or La Fete du Travail, you will find small pots or bouquets of Lily of the Valley for sale. Why a flower on a national holiday to celebrate labor? The day is also La Fete du Muguet when sprigs of Lily of the Valley are offered to loved ones. The custom originated with King Charles IX in 1561 when he received a bouquet and loved the scent so much he encouraged others to give bouquets of the flower. It wasn't till 1901 that La Fete du Muguet became a modern tradition.

photo by Bill Slavin

For centuries, flowers and herbs have been appreciated not only for their beauty, but for their medicinal purposes. They have also been adorned with meaning. Shakespeare's writings are filled with flower references:

"There's rosemary, that's for remembrance; pray, love, remember; and there is pansies, that's for thought...."  Ophelia, Hamlet

photo  by Bill Slavin

photo by Bill Slavin

The meanings of Spring flowers correspond with this season of renewal (Daffodils), delicate pleasure (Sweet Peas), youthful innocence (Lilacs) and playfulness (Hyacinth) - all good Spring words. Calla Lilies are a perfect wedding flower since they symbolize beauty and purity. The next time you bring flowers to someone, pick flowers that emphasize your reason for giving Spring flowers.

photo by Bill Slavin

Another sign of Spring - the first deer in our yard.

For more information about flowers, herbs and their meanings, go to:


  1. Bill's photos are works of art that focus on the breath taking beauty of flowers. I love spring and have been enjoying the garden so much lately. Happy Spring Season Martha!!!

    1. Thank you, Jan. I pass your comments on to Bill. Yes, they are works of art.

  2. Thank you for the beautiful photo bouquet, Martha. Happy Spring!

  3. Thank you for the beautiful photo bouquet, Martha. Happy Spring!

  4. Thank you, Teresa. Yes, the flowers are beautiful. A good reminder to stop and enjoy them. Happy Spring to you too.


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