Friday, September 20, 2024


This drawing of a Japanese maple in autumn
is a reminder that trees are a symbol of hope.

I have heard from people who say they take time in their day for a cup of coffee and a few quiet moments to read my Friday blog post. That is a thrill to me, especially with the repetitive news that is getting more intense the closer we are to elections. I've been cutting down on cable news, and not reading opinion pieces that say the same thing over and over again. I know whom I am voting for and I want to put my mark on my ballot as soon as I can. 

When people ask me what my blog is about I pause to think. Originally, my main goal was to combine my writing and art together. I wanted to show how my artwork has influenced my life in many ways. The practice of art has taught me a lot about failure, persistence, and "getting up, dusting myself off, and starting all over again." Making art and focusing on something in the moment has been a good way for me to let go of tense emotions to find some measure of peace. I am glad that other people have found my blog to be a place to find some serenity as well.

So often I hear people say that they can't draw. My answer to that is to practice. Would you expect an engineer to design a building without the study necessary? Neither should you expect to be an artist in a quick minute. Doodling is an easy and meditative way to begin. Start by learning contour drawing. With just a pencil and paper pad, you can study an object and draw its contours. As you slowly follow the contours of the object with your eyes, draw a line on your paper. Only look down at your drawing when you change direction. You will find you have created a drawing that is not an exact likeness, but rather one that has given you an understanding of the shape of the object as well as allowed you to let go of perfection. Neurographic art and Zentangle designs are two other doodling techniques that help you focus.

Drawing the inside & outside of a face
without looking except when you change direction

Use contour drawing while looking at the page

Zentangle design

Neurographic art

I have turned off the news that runs through my head (have we really learned anything new about the candidates in the last couple of weeks?) and I look for something to read that is positive. The newsletter, Reasons to be Cheerful, was created for that purpose. The articles are filled with hope and the positive actions of people who are trying to improve our lives. Scientific American has an article called "Being Empathetic is Easier When Everyone's Doing It." Wouldn't it be good to remember that idea in our daily lives? If you, like me, are tired of the race-baiting, bullying, demeaning of others, and lying that is the hallmark of Trump and the MAGA movement, I hope you will join me in voting NO to their cruel behavior. Vote on November 5 like your country depends on you!

Autumn Bounty -  watercolor
The first day of autumn is this Sunday!

Reasons to be Cheerful here:

If you are intrigued by the importance of beavers, read Beaverland, How One Weird Rodent Made America by Leila Philip

Have you noticed how much empathy has disappeared from our public places?

Read this Scientific American article about empathy:

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