Friday, August 23, 2024


What inspires you?

My love of country is quiet, not the aggressive version found in the chant, "USA, USA." Traveling across the country has given me a chance to meet people who live different lives than I do, but have the same sense of community, of helping others, and standing up for what they believe in. We've had a lot of moments in the last few weeks that have stirred us to step back and remind ourselves of our values and ideals. First, the Olympics grabbed our attention. We watched as athlete after athlete pushed themselves to reach their personal best. This week, while watching the Democratic Party Convention, I was inspired by the fiery speeches. Most of all, I loved the enthusiasm of the roll call vote when people from each state proudly proclaimed not only their vote but what was special about their state. Music and a DJ helped them along, which was a different experience from previous roll calls.

I've never felt comfortable joining in with throngs of people chanting or cheering one person. I'm old enough to have seen newsreels of the past showing the crowds with their right hands raised in salute to Hitler. Those films shiver me still and remind me that an enthusiastic crowd can easily turn into a monster, convinced by the crowd around them that they have the right solutions. January 6 comes to mind.

For me, the conventions are best when ordinary people come forward to tell their often poignant stories. They are the students, the neighbors, and the colleagues who provide us with a small window into the lives of other ordinary people who put themselves in front of us as candidates. Like the Olympics beforehand, this convention allowed us to honor ideas and people willing to represent us while uplifting our spirits in times of difficulty.


No matter what you choose to do in life, your body will respond in ways you didn't expect. New York Times had an article about ancient scribes. Read it here:

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